Our Lady of Grace Parish
Welcome to Our Lady of Grace Parish, Charlton.
Check the "Weekly Newsletters" page for latest Mass Times
For further information, Click here
Our Usual Mass Times
- Vigil Mass: Saturday 5:30pm
- Sunday:10:00am (with Children's Liturgy), 12:00
- Holy Days of Obligation: 9:30am & 8:00pm
Coffee & Tea after 10:00am Mass & 12noon Mass
- Weekday Mass: Monday - Friday: 9:15am.
- Saturdays: 10.30am
- On Fridays the primary school organises Mass class by class.
- Infant classes have their Mass in school
- On these occasions all are welcome to attend Mass in school.
Stations of the Cross
Fridays during Lent after morning mass and 7.00 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Saturdays: 11:00am - 12 Noon
- Saturdays: 5.00pm - 5.20 pm
- By arrangement with the Priest.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Mass of Anointing
- Wednesdays: 6:30 - 7.30 pm; 7.30 pm: Mass and Anointing of the Sick
- Saturdays: 11.00am - 12 Noon
- Sundays: 9:15am and 11:15am
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Contact Us
Our Lady of Grace, 145 Charlton Road, Charlton, Greenwich, London SE7 7EZ
Phone: 02030918588 Email: [email protected]
Website: http://olg-charlton.simdif.com
Fr. Hyacinth Igwenagu Ogbodo CSSp: Parish Priest
Fr. Vincent Nnatuanya CSSp: Assistant
Fr Oliver Ejike Ugwu CSSp: Assistant
Office hours
Parish Office: Tuesdays & Fridays. 10:00 am - 1:00 pm. Phone Number: 02030918588
Sacrament of the Sick: Contact Parish office on 02030918588 to arrange a home / hospital visit to the sick and housebound.
Requests for Mass: Mass Request Forms are available in Sacristy and at the back of the church
Foundation Masses: Please contact the Parish Priest
Hall booking: Please contact Parish office on 02030918588.
Safeguarding: Contact the team on Saturday. (By appointment or check Newsletter for details). Phone 02030918588
The usual time for Infant Baptism is on the 2nd or 4th Saturday of the month.
At least one god-parent must be a practising catholic (Can 874),
Parents and god-parents also need to attend a pre-baptism session.
Pre-Baptism Sessions
These are held in the Parish Meeting Room on the first Thursday of every month at 7pm.
1. Other suitable times for both the baptism and the pre-baptism session may be arranged with the Priest.
3. god-parents who are not members of the Parish may be required to present certificate of suitability from their proper Parish Priests.
Registration For Infant Baptism:
Application Forms are available in the Parish Office, the Sacristy and at the back of the Church. Completed application forms should be returned to the Priest through the Parish Office. Parents may be required to present the birth Certificate of their children.
All God's children have a place in the choir
some sing low, some sing higher.
Some sing sweet like birds on the wire,
The rest: just clap your hands.
Can Sing? Want to Sing?
Praise God with your Voice!
If you can talk, then you can sing!
Join the choir. All ages welcome! Voices needed at ALL weekend Masses.
Practice on Friday's at 6:00 pm. In church.
(This incorporates children, Young People, and Adults)
Every Sunday at the 10.00 am Mass
Have you got your Gift Aid Envelopes?
Are you letting your tax support the parish? It is easy and painless. f you are a UK income tax payer, your weekly offering can be GIFT AIDED, enabling the parish to claim back up to 25% of every pound you give,at no extra cost to you. For more details contact Lydia or Catherine.