Justice, Peace & the Integrity of Creation
"To no one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay, right or justice." [Magna Carta. 1215]
"Do not deny justice to your people in their lawsuits." [Exodus 23: 6]
Archdiocese of Southwark
The 2017 Diocesan Justice & Peace Commission, Spring Assembly
‘A Journey to Justice through Peace and Non-Violence,
Aylesford Priory, Kent. Saturday 13th May. 10.30am to 4pm.
Registration from 10am.
Speakers Pat Gaffney for Pax Christi and Michael & Patricia Pulman of Christian CND.
The event is free. Everyone welcome to come along. Please bring a packed lunch.
Our Father who is in heaven,
hallowed be your name in all the people of this country
and around the world,
peoples of different race, class, colour, and religion,
In families and religious communities, in workplace, study centre hospitals and refugee centre.
May your kingdom come more and more in the hearts of those who work in your name,
of those who know you least and those who have no hope.
Your will be done on earth, in the hearts of saints and sinners,
And of those who have an abundance from which to give
to the hungry, the sick, the untaught, the homeless and the unemployed.
Give us this day our daily bread,
to the poor at home and the poor around the world,
the bread of truth, to this disturbed generation.
And forgive us our trespasses,
our coldness, our constant failure to reach out to those who are in need,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
Give us the grace to resist the temptation to judge,
The temptation to arrogance and superiority,
The temptation to fear failure,
The temptation to selfishness, to a closed mind.
But deliver us from the evil of racial justice,
Of war and violence,
The evil of failing in affection, respect and support for those who live and work with us,
Deliver us from the evil of turning away from You.
For Yours is the Kingdom, the power and the glory
For ever and ever. AMEN
Would you like to experience the real Africa,
in a Catholic Mission parish?
A group formed by returned lay missionaries called Network for a Better World has launched a short term volunteering programme for people aged 20+. There is no upper age limit and recent volunteers have been in their mid fifties.
The base is a rural mission called Sitima in central Malawi, one of the world’s poorest countries*.
Durations from 3 weeks to 9 months with departures in June, September and February.
Full support is given from an experienced team-
So if you’ve always considered a ‘gap’ experience in Africa and studying, family or work commitments have prevented you in the past, this could be the time.
Please see website www.n4bw.org.uk or contact Richard on 01704 335099
GREEN Resolutions you Really CAN Keep.
- CONNECT WITH YOUR FOOD: Know where your food comes from! grow your own! have a little herb garden on your windowsill!
- BE ENERGY SMART: unplug appliances when not in use. Replace energy guzzling incandescent bulbs where most power creates heat NOT light, with energy saving modern bulbs. (e.g LED's produce 90% light to 10% heat). Make sure your house is insulated.
- BE WATER WISE: Don't leave taps running, (e.g when cleaning teeth). Install water saving shower heads if possible. cut down on shower time to save water. water the garden in the cool of the evening to save on evaporation. These will also save you money!
- REDUCE: RE-USE: RECYCLE: we are clogging up the earth with our waste products. Think carefully before buying something new. Reuse what you already have. Recycle what you no longer need. Live simply, that others may live!
- GO ORGANIC: Try some organic foods. They taste better, and are better for our health. Likewise, organic laundry and cleaning products.
- DITCH THE CHEMICALS: We use too many chemicals in our homes; in laundry, in cleaning, in toiletries and body sprays, etc. They pollute the earth, often long term, and who knows what they do to us? Look for natural alternatives.
- BE CURIOUS: Look further than the huge supermarkets. Ask what is in products. Ask where your food comes from. Read the labels. Think about your impact on this world.
Faith in Foodbanks?
A series of resources to help Christians tackle questions surrounding the issues including Bible studies, worship resources and practical actions to make the connection between our lives, our worship and the work of our local foodbanks.
Download at www.jointpublicissues.org.uk/faithinfoodbanks
Do you use Amazon?
Does it bother you that they avoid paying tax and have poor employment issues?
If So. Here are some alternatives
- www.hive.co.uk allows you to shop on-line for books, and then you have the choice of having them delivered or you can arrange to collect from a local book store.
- www.globalseesaw.co.uk is an ethically run social business that seeks to make a difference, especially to women exploited by human trafficking and prositution. All profits are re-invested to bring greater change for the better.
- www.madecloser.co.uk makes it esy to muy a wide range of goods made near you and so supports the growth of local businesses and reduces our carbon footprint.